DNG Systems Inc

More than 20 years ago, a new generation of business-management software experienced a rapid growth: Enterprise Resource Planning systems. Since then many technological innovations were implemented in this area. But the core function and purpose of ERP system remains the same – to integrate internal accounting and management data for better control, management and decision-making.

Choose a New ERP System

Any business has a point to decide to implement ERP System. Nobody knows exactly this point. Still there may be identified critical signs that prove the need of ERP system for better organizational effectiveness and viability. A set of continuous operational events of day-to-day management life may indicate about necessity to integrate your data and processes.

If your company tracks and records different processes by different software programs and you feel more and more embarrassed getting the right accounting or management data in the right time – these are first definite signs of the necessity to integrate all your data sources in one place.

Need for an ERP system is especially actual and more urgent when your accounting department spends more and more time for mechanical work: entering different data in different accounting and sales systems. And more alarming situation comes when customer, inventory and sales data-being maintained separately-generate supply disruptions, inability to have an instant access to customer order status that will lead to an increasing operational and customer experience breakdowns.

Our research and practical experience have shown that implementation of ERP is much more than integrating different data ensuring consistency and growing business performance. 

New ERP System improves teamwork and engagement, freeing time for real business needs and innovations. This is part both of digital transformation and internal culture improvement.

Consider from your business experience: how many internal inefficiencies were driven by disrupted data that caused time-consuming analysis, interpersonal conflicts, higher levels of stress and anxiety due to the lack of the whole picture of your business. Your data represents a feedback from your business about your business. And this dialog must be easy-to-establish and easy-to-go.

Measure the degree of alignment between the speed of gathering, using your data and your decision making process. See how your departments are cross-functioning and if there is on-going concern about disruption of the processes. Look into your future growing business: what internal data use challenges will this growth bring?

Decide for an ERP system. We recommend our small and medium-sized business clients SAP Business One. Our recommendation comes from in-depth comparable analysis of three the most important elements of different ERP systems: functionality, stability and business continuity.

SAP Business One is an affordable ERP system that is easy to use and to get value from. Growth of your company will be constantly backed-up by professional cost-effective support and necessary complementary solutions for your operations extension.

Take a deeper look how we may help your company to grow with our sense-of-belonging approach to your unique business.

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